Breaking Barriers

Stay “Woke”

When I first started this blog, I had no clue where it would go. In my mind, I thought it would be the beginning and it would just blossom from there. In my initial stages, I was so sure about the vision God had given to me. I was not only sure, I was ecstatic, God was talking to me! One of my gifts is exhortation, and through this blog, I would be able to encourage and bless others as I did the same for myself. I am so good with giving perspective, advice, and insight to others, but many times it’s hard to give that same advice to myself. I find it interesting how my advice finds its way back to me through friends and loved ones.

At the end of last year, I began to feel unsure about what was next for my blog and it became more of a task for me to write my blog posts (which is why there were so few). I’m sure you’ve been there before, the passion was there, but just not as great as it was in the beginning. Not really recognizing what was going on I continued, business as usual without digging deeper through prayer as I should have done. Interestingly, I came across a book that I had read previously called Fervent. As I began reading the book again and realized, I was a victim of theft. The enemy was trying to steal my passion. It was coming slowly, but surely. Many of us have been victims of theft from him, whether it was your passion, your joy, your peace, belief, family, he came and tried or maybe even successfully took from you. The book reminded me, he too has a purpose, to kill, steal, and destroy. And if we aren’t mindful, he will do all of the above to us. In my time of reading, I realized I needed to get back what he had taken from me through prayer. It was time for me to be more strategic and intentional in my prayers. I needed to read the Bible more and incorporate scripture into my prayers. I needed to pray about God’ vision for my blog after all this was His idea.

This post may be a little longer than my average blog post, but it is important for me to share with you what has happened to me and hopefully, this will encourage and enlighten you so that the same does not occur to you. As they say, we have to stay “woke!” Do not allow the enemy to lie to you or take anything else away from you. So now, where do we go from here? We pray and we surround ourselves with people that are doing the same. We will start right now with prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you, thank you for enlightenment. We pray that on this day and all the days to come, we will seek you first in all that we do. We pray that we will lean more to you and not to our own understanding. Lord, we ask you to rejuvenate us and help us to further understand the vision and purpose you have given to us. We ask for you to connect us with those that are seeking you as we are and help us to not become so consumed in our day to day lives that we forget you. We thank you for giving us everything back that was taken from us, help us to stay “woke”, and understand the schemes of the enemy. Thank you again for purpose and vision in our lives. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Be Blessed!  

One Comment

  • Crystal Washington

    I love the saying stay woke, as it implies another level of consciousness. In fighting the good fight, it is important to understand the tactics of your opponent. God has given us great gifts and passion for glorifying Him through service. If we are not careful and watchful, our jealous enemy will find methods to attack us that lead us off track. Thank you for this reminder and for sharing your gift and passion with us. God bless!