Breaking Barriers

Step Up Your Faith!

Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Dubai in the UAE. If I had to describe my experience in one word it would probably be, breathtaking . With each moment, each experience I was blown away that I was even able to experience it.

I desired to travel internationally this year, however I wasn’t sure how it would happen, but God literally stepped in and made it happen. It came out of nowhere, very unexpected. In that moment, I realized God was helping me to understand that he has greater for me, he only requires for me to have faith and believe. But even when I didn’t believe he allowed me to have this experience, I believe this was his way of saying step up your faith. We oftentimes look at our circumstances instead of God, we look at the bills, the struggles, the hurt and believe it will never change. But we must remember God is bigger than your circumstance or situation, we just have to have faith and believe in Him. His word reminds us that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrew 11:6).

With God all things are possible! God will work it out and when he does it is your responsibility to share your story with others. I’ve heard so many testimonies of God healing people of sickness, blessing a woman to be a mother when it was said she could never have a child or when her circumstances said otherwise, or even financial blessings. God did it for so many and he can do the same for you. Your only requirement is to believe, have faith, and walk with him, he’ll direct your path. Keeping in mind that faith requires action, you must move towards where you want to be. I’ve stepped up my faith, how about you? What are you believing God for and walking into it with faith? Let’s step up together!

Here’s a few pictures from my trip.


  • Crystal Washington

    What a blessing to have traveled overseas for you, Bridgette! I love your pictures and I know you had mind-blowing experiences in Dubai. I agree with you, we are in a season when God is increasing our faith. I believe in order for us to go to the next level, our faith must be tried and true. Thank you for this reminder to believe God and trust Him in high expectation that he wants more for us.

    • Bridgette

      Indeed! I love what you said, “in order for us to go to the next level our faith must be tried and true.” Thank you for sharing your feedback!