Breaking Barriers

Still Breaking Barriers

When I initially started this blog, I wasn’t totally sure what it would come to be. I just knew God had placed this idea in my heart and I needed to move with it. I remember coming up with the name, Breaking Barriers and I went to get the domain and of course it was already taken. So then, I came up with the idea to add my name to the beginning, Bridgette Breaking Barriers. The power I felt every time I said it then and even now continues to resonate. I knew it wasn’t just about me breaking barriers in my life, but it was also about you breaking barriers in your life. My purpose was not to just talk to you about it, but also share pieces of my story and how I continue to break barriers.

The more I blog and just live life, I recognize the power in understanding life is a continuous fight. At one point I use to think, that there was a point in life in which you arrive, but I know now that there are different levels and we must continue to push and strive for the next. God is always working on something in us. But be not discouraged, each round gets better and better and you continue to grow stronger and stronger in the process. Keep breaking barriers in your life. I know personally, I’m grateful for each round because I see the growth, in these two years of blogging. I’ve learned so much about myself and God. I pray the same is true for you. Keep on the look out there is more coming from #BridgetteBreakingBarriers! Its time for the next round!

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