• Breaking Barriers

    Become a Child Again!

    Remember when you were a child and you were fearless. You would do any and everything and you believed you could be anything, no practical thoughts, you could do anything. What happened to him/her? I often ask myself this question. Children are so open. They don’t question why something can’t be done, they just believe it came be done. I love being around children for this reason; they are free. We could learn so much from them. Instead of questioning why you can’t do something, change up how you think. You can! I often have to remind myself, I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength. What…

  • Breaking Barriers

    What’s for you is for you!

    It’s amazing how we as people feel we are in control of everything. We say and do things in hopes that we can manipulate situations. Have you ever experienced or witnessed someone lying on you or someone else in hopes it would position them better for a job, a business, a boo, or friend? How is it that we think we have that much control? I was talking to a friend recently and she shared how someone lied on her in hopes for a new position. But why? Why do you believe this is what you should do and why do you think this will not come back to you?…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Activated Faith

    This month my pastor has been doing a series on faith. The other day in Bible study he made a great point about faith and how we have to work our faith like we work our muscles at the gym. In order for our faith to increase we have to practice our faith daily and work to expand it. Many times we want to play it safe, we do things that are “guaranteed” for ourselves; you know, you approach the guy or girl you know you can get or you apply for the job you know you are qualified, but will these things stretch us and our faith? There comes…