• Breaking Barriers

    Single: It’s Ghetto here, but God

    In all of my blogging, I’ve never focused a blog on my singleness, but recently I felt the need to share some of my journey. I was talking with a friend the other day and I was like, I’ve been single for over 20 years. And now I’m telling you, I’m over it. Lol.  In my single season, I’ve had highs and lows. Recently I’ve felt like there were more lows, why, because like I said before I’m over it. Lol. Just as I’m sure many feel the need to give up from time to time, I’m no different, even in my single season. I’ve begun to question myself, am…

  • Breaking Barriers

    What is Love??

    Valentine’s Day is here and it is a day of love. Give love to the ones you love, sharing gifts and acts of kindness. I often ask myself simple questions, and on today I thought about, what exactly is love? The dictionary defines love as an intense feeling of deep affection. That’s a-lot. There are different levels of love. There’s the love of family members, love of friends, romantic love, and self love. Have you experienced love? When I think of love I think of sacrifice and commitment. But how do you show love? There’s a book that talks about the 5 love languages. We all like to feel loved,…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Bring Joy to Your Day!

    I know, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. One of my new year goals (who says it has to start in January, February is still the beginning of the year) is to be more consistent and intentional. Being consistent is a goal I have in many areas of my life, but especially in my business, Bridgette Breaking Barriers. Anywho, I’m checking in, how are things going in your world? I’d love to hear from you, comment, dm or inbox me. I recently found a book on Audible (I love Audible, it’s the best thing since sliced bread, lol) that I’m absolutely loving! Like I…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Sit In It!

    In a world where we move so fast, IG reels, instant rice, drive-thrus, and so many other quick fixes, it’s hard to slow down. We move from one thing to the next very quickly. Our attention spans last but for a few minutes then on to the next thing (as I type this post, I’m watching tv, multitasking 🙄).  As we approach the end of the year, I’m reminded of the importance of sitting in it. What does it mean to sit in it? Well, you take time to process what happened. Many times at the end of the year we do a review of what happened in the year,…