• Breaking Barriers

    Grief is Real!

    Loosing a love one is hard. I don’t think I ever realized how hard it was until it happened to someone close to me. Last year was a year, not just because of the pandemic but because of life. The year seemed to be off to a good start, and then it wasn’t. February 2020 I learned of my aunt’s passing. Then March 2020, my cousin came to my job (I just gotten a new job) to share with me my dad had passed away. It all happened suddenly. It’s been over a year and I find myself still in disbelief that he/she no longer here. Death can be an…

  • Breaking Barriers

    It’s Time to GO!

    Since the inception of Bridgette Breaking Barriers, I had the desire to expand it beyond just a blog. T-shirts have always been something I wanted to add, I mean who doesn’t love a good inspirational shirt? I love them so I figured I’d incorporate what I love with the needs of people. We all know, words have power and I believe that inspirational shirts are a constant reminder of how powerful words can be. It’s not just for you but for others as well. It can spark conversation. You never know how God will use you. “Hey girl, what does your shirt mean?” And boom, you have a whole conversation…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Be Ready!

    So last weekend was a holiday weekend and at my job most of the time we get to leave a little early before a holiday. Well, Friday came and we were anxiously awaiting the call that we could leave early. Time seemed to go fast and as time went on, my coworkers and I began to realize perhaps we weren’t leaving early that day. Lol. So I’m working on this, working on that, working pretty good when my director comes in the office and says y’all can leave early, like right now. Me: oh wait, I’m not ready. My coworkers: (walk pass me with their purses saying, “have a great…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Let’s Catch Up

    I know, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I figured I’d take some time to catch you up on my life. I’ve been crazy busy lately, and honestly, procrastination is real. LOL. SMH. Before I share another post, I figured I’d share what I’ve been up to during my short hiatus (I promise it wasn’t intentional). Life has been great! I’ve been super busy between work, my business (you know I’m the Mary Kay Diva, right?, shameless plug, www.marykay.com/bbess, check me out for your healthy skin needs), started a new health journey (yeah, I’m just as shocked as you, LOL), and just living life. Let’s start…