• Breaking Barriers

    Prayer is a Lifestyle

    I was riding in my car the other day, listening to the samples of my cousin, Sheila’s new prayer album (shameless plug, info below), Things get better after this. It’s a collection of different prayers. As I was listening, the thought popped in my mind, prayer is a lifestyle. It’s not just something we do, we should live our life around it and incorporate it in all parts of our lives. In any relationship, communication is necessary. It is through our communications that we learn more about the other person, what they like, what they don’t like, do they have a sense of humor, are they giving, do their actions…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Capture the Moment

    Pictures are a way of capturing a special moment in our lives, whether it’s a professional picture for a headshot, a fun picture to celebrate a birthday, or pictures that commemorate a moment. Recently, my cousin encouraged me and some friends to work on a project called “Day in the Life.” Day in the Life is a one-day documenting project to record everyday life stories, the basics of your life right now. In preparation for this day, I set reminders throughout the day to take pictures and journal. As I took pictures and wrote little notes about my day, I realized the importance of capturing moments. Life moves so quickly,…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Be Open!

    The word “open” keeps coming up for me. I believe in this season God wants me to be open. I’m not sure if I’ve talked about this or not, but I’m in a book club. We have been studying the book, “When Women Pray” by TD Jakes. Powerful book by the way, I definitely recommend you reading it. This past weekend we discussed the Samaritan Woman or as some would call her, the woman at the well. If you’re not familiar with the story, check it out in John 4:4-42. One thing has stayed on my mind this week about this chapter is the fact that the book is about…

  • Breaking Barriers

    You (Natural) + God (Supernatural) = Miracles

    When I was younger, I was so excited to get my driver’s license so I could drive. Now that I am older, I don’t have to drive at all, lol. I remember when I was in high school, my mom and I went out of town to look for a prom dress for me. The drive was only 45 minutes away, so my mom had the great idea for me to get some practice driving on the highway. I don’t remember how far I got before I was “too sleepy” to drive and my mom had to take over. LOL. Fast forward, I went to college 3.5 hours away, then…