• Beginning Again

    In my newly introduced Podcast name, Tales from Barrier Breakers, I meet with Rev. Cornelius Lloyd discussing Beginning Again. Rev. Lloyd shared his experience of beginning again including scriptures and many golden nuggets. It was a blessing to me to be a part of this recording, but as I listened to the replay, I was blessed even more. It’s okay to start over. Check it out and let me know your thoughts. YouTube – Beginning Again Anchor – Beginning Again

  • Breaking Barriers

    Lessons Learned

    I know, it has been a while since I’ve posted a blog. As I’ve shared with some of you, I took a little sabbatical in the midst of my sabbatical. I updated my website, so consider this as the unveiling. I decided to share some lessons I have learned in the few weeks I’ve been away. Isn’t life cool, we are constantly on a journey learning more about ourselves and the people around us. So, here are some lessons learned, I hope this proves to be insightful to you, as it was for me. Take breaks often: I decided initially to take a little bit of a break from social…