• Breaking Barriers

    You (Natural) + God (Supernatural) = Miracles

    When I was younger, I was so excited to get my driver’s license so I could drive. Now that I am older, I don’t have to drive at all, lol. I remember when I was in high school, my mom and I went out of town to look for a prom dress for me. The drive was only 45 minutes away, so my mom had the great idea for me to get some practice driving on the highway. I don’t remember how far I got before I was “too sleepy” to drive and my mom had to take over. LOL. Fast forward, I went to college 3.5 hours away, then…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Watch Your Words…They Have Power

    God speaks! He speaks constantly, many times he speaks, but we can’t hear him through all the noise around us or our inability to stay still and quiet. There are also times when he speaks through people. The last few days, I’ve heard several reminders to watch my words. I was listening to Get Up with Erica Campbell and she was sharing her Ericaism, which talked about choosing our words wisely with our children. Our words can and will mold them into who they will be. About a day or so later, I was reading my daily devotion I received from Joel Osteen and he talked about Jesus using the…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Activated Faith

    This month my pastor has been doing a series on faith. The other day in Bible study he made a great point about faith and how we have to work our faith like we work our muscles at the gym. In order for our faith to increase we have to practice our faith daily and work to expand it. Many times we want to play it safe, we do things that are “guaranteed” for ourselves; you know, you approach the guy or girl you know you can get or you apply for the job you know you are qualified, but will these things stretch us and our faith? There comes…

  • Breaking Barriers

    We’ve Got to Pray Just to Make it Today

    As I was driving into work the other day, listening to Get up Mornings with Erica. My mind began to drift off and I wasn't paying attention to the radio, but then I heard her scripture for her Ericaism, Mark 11:24. I had been thinking about the things in the news, what occurred this past weekend in Charlottesville, and the state of our country. It's hard to hear about these things and feel like you can't do anything. While I'm sure there are many things that you might think of us doing, teach your children right from wrong, stand up against wrong when you see or hear it, call out…