• Breaking Barriers

    Be Bold, Be Brave

    So, today has been an interesting day for me. The resounding theme that kept coming up for me is to keep pushing, keep going. I’m not sure about you, but for me, I often have feelings of defeat and fear. Sometimes they get the best of me, but many times I push myself to do whatever it is to overcome my fears or anxieties. In my mind, there has to be more for me, so I continue to push through. Any who, as I read an email this morning it reminded me to dream big! Then, as I was driving home from work, I heard a song on the radio…

  • Breaking Barriers

    It’s Okay Not to Understand!

    I often wonder why people do the things that they do, more so the negative things. I was talking with a friend about the negative comments that are made sometimes on social media. I wondered what would cause someone to make such negative, judgmental comments about things that are absolutely none of their business. But then it hit me, it’s not for you to understand. There are so many things I couldn’t imagine saying or doing to someone, even if it was my enemy. I understand never say never, but at this moment I can’t imagine it. The backbiting, name-calling, throwing people under the bus to save themselves, the negativity,…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Nobody Like Him!

    As I was driving on my commute yesterday, the song “Love Theory” by Kirk Franklin came on. I love this song but yesterday was different. As I listened, I began to think about people and how they sometimes can be unpredictable, unreliable, selfish, unforgiving, and filled with hidden agendas. But God is nothing like that. He is reliable, dependable, forgiving, and always loving. I mean, he literally had a whole book written just to help us navigate through life and provide us with answers and hope. He did all of that for us thousands of years ago. Who wouldn’t want to serve a God like him? Often as we go…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Make Room

    Let me start out by sharing my truth, I had no idea what I wanted to write about this week, therefore, I made a conscious decision to skip this week. But then God stepped in. I was reminded last night of an agreement I made with God at the beginning of the year to make more room for Him. I had the pleasure of attending a bible study tonight and as I was leaving, the song, “Make Room” was being played. Why did this resonate with me you ask? Well, I’m a part of my church’s dance ministry and the end of last year, we danced to this song. It…