• Breaking Barriers


    As I was commuting to work the other day, I began to think of God’s miracles. Throughout the Bible there are many instances of miracles; men being raised from the dead, blind men seeing, the sick being healed, and so many more. There are many that would say miracles only occurred in the times of the Bible and they no longer exist, but I have experienced otherwise. In the past few months, I have witnessed many miracles: healings from cancer and other sicknesses, going from needing assistance breathing to breathing freely and working through rehabilitation, just to name a few. I know God is still working miracles because I’ve seen…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Moving Forward!

    As I was thinking of what to write for this week, I went back to forgiveness. Sometimes or many times it’s not just about us forgiving other people, but forgiving ourselves. We often struggle with forgiving ourselves from past mistakes or allowing certain situations to occur. I have found myself focusing on past mistakes, wishing I could have done things differently. I often have a pep talk with myself, “Bridgette the milk is spilt, you can only clean it and keep it moving; no sense in crying over the spilt milk.” Are there some things you haven’t let go? The failed business, harsh words spoken, bad career moves, or the…

  • Breaking Barriers

    No More Baggage!!

    It’s hard when something is revealed to you through a situation and you realize you have a problem. In the past month, I realized I have a problem with letting things go. Forgiveness, sigh, hard topic. How are you at forgiving and letting things go? Well for me, I never thought it was an issue until it was an issue. Recently, I realized that I can hold onto things and not let them go and I realized something needed to give. I began reading some devotions on forgiveness which helped in changing my perspective. In order for things to change, you have to do something different. What do you need…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Happy Galentine’s Day!

    Recently, I’ve noticed a new holiday popping up, Galentine’s Day, and I had no clue what it was or meant. Confession, my initial thought was that it was for the guys (hahaha), but yesterday I decided to actually look it up and found it very interesting and right up my alley. I learned Galentine’s Day is celebrated on February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day to celebrate all your female friends. Apparently, it was made up by a character on a TV show called Parks and Recreation. Each year on this day the character of this show explains that she and her friends leave their husbands and boyfriends to go…