• Breaking Barriers

    Focus on the Positive – No Negativity Allowed

    As I was opening up my journal the other day, I saw the words, “there are so many reasons to be happy.” Wow! How powerful is that? We get so caught up sometimes in life and the things surrounding us until we miss the wonderful things still around us. Why focus on the negative when there is so much positivity. We have to be conscious about changing our mindset. What are some reasons you have to be happy? Life? Food? Family? Shelter? Laughter? Good memories of loved ones? Friends? Be intentional about focusing on the positive and not the negative! I’m reminded of the scripture, Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Listen & Share!

    Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a good story, I love to share them and to hear them. Every story has a beginning, where you learn who’s involved and background information. Then there’s the middle, which I like to think of as the meat; it tells what happens and even shares the climax. But to me the best part of the story is the ending, you learn who overcame, the lesson learned, who survived, etc. Each part of the story has its purpose. What I love about a good story is the lesson learned, there’s always something for someone to learn. Last night, I was reminded of the…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Duplicate & Share!

    I was having a conversation with my cousin the other day, I shared with him how I was sharing what he taught me with others. His response, that’s what you’re supposed to do. We learn so many things every day, how to cook a new dish, a revelation from scripture or sermon, a new skill at work, a quote, the importance of lighting in a selfie (Yassss), and so much more. But what do you do with the new information you obtain??? It is so empowering when you learn something new. You feel like you can conquer the world, just from learning one new thing. For this reason, it’s so…

  • Breaking Barriers

    The Gift

    Anyone that knows me knows that my favorite thing to do is to be with family and friends. I truly believe they are a gift from God. He has indeed given us so many gifts, shelter, food, clothing, a sound mind, family and friends to help us stay on track and inspire us to do more and be more. Never forget the gifts God has provided, including the greatest gift of all His Son, Jesus! On this day, don’t forget the true reason for the season, the gifts are nice, but be sure to honor the greatest gift (Jesus) with a gift! As you come to the King to honor…