• Breaking Barriers

    Lessons Learned

    I know, it has been a while since I’ve posted a blog. As I’ve shared with some of you, I took a little sabbatical in the midst of my sabbatical. I updated my website, so consider this as the unveiling. I decided to share some lessons I have learned in the few weeks I’ve been away. Isn’t life cool, we are constantly on a journey learning more about ourselves and the people around us. So, here are some lessons learned, I hope this proves to be insightful to you, as it was for me. Take breaks often: I decided initially to take a little bit of a break from social…

  • Breaking Barriers


    The start of a new year brings lots of changes, some people come up with their new year resolutions and create vision boards, while others may write it all down in their journals. Whatever is your way, the start of a new year is a fresh start. It’s a perfect time for you to reinvent yourself. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about changing things up and doing things differently. She used the word “reinvent” and I fell in love. So many times we allow ourselves to get stuck in how things are currently, but the word reinvent reminds me that…

  • Breaking Barriers

    The Truth Will Set You Free

    As I was riding in the car the other day, I began to think about a conversation I had with some friends, when I jokingly said: “the truth will set you free.” In this day in age, people are always saying how you have to “keep it real” or “keepin it 100”. Sometimes there is a level of truth that we don’t necessarily want to accept. Many times its truth within ourselves; things you may be struggling with, things you should be over by now, or maybe fear has crept in and you just don’t want to face it. My blog came to mind; I started my blog as a…