• Breaking Barriers

    Make Room

    Let me start out by sharing my truth, I had no idea what I wanted to write about this week, therefore, I made a conscious decision to skip this week. But then God stepped in. I was reminded last night of an agreement I made with God at the beginning of the year to make more room for Him. I had the pleasure of attending a bible study tonight and as I was leaving, the song, “Make Room” was being played. Why did this resonate with me you ask? Well, I’m a part of my church’s dance ministry and the end of last year, we danced to this song. It…

  • Breaking Barriers

    God is Greater!

    Recently, I had the honor to go see the movie, Emanuel. Initially, it seemed like a good idea, but on my way to the theater, I wondered how good the idea was as I wasn’t sure if I was mentally prepared. My friend and I said a quick prayer prior to the movie, as we didn’t want any negative residue from the movie. I did have residue, but it was more positive than negative. The movie brought anger, tears, and confusion, but mostly it reminded me that God is greater. The theme of the story of Emanuel is forgiveness. I was amazed at how the family members of those that…

  • Breaking Barriers


    Growing is an interesting thing. For a plant, fruit, or vegetable, a seed is planted and with the right amount of sunlight, water, and time there is a finished product to be enjoyed. The process of growth seems so simple as it relates to a plant, fruit, or vegetable but when it comes to our own growth, it doesn’t seem as simple. However, the same is true for us, we just require different ingredients for our growth. Along with sunlight and water, we also need people and experiences to shape our growth. Our interactions with people require us to grow; whether they are sharing constructive or negative feedback. No matter…

  • Breaking Barriers

    People are Fickle…Love Them Anyway!

    Have you ever experienced people being for you and then they switch up and are against you? People can be fickle. I often think of Jesus and how one week the people were yelling “Hosanna, Hosanna” and literally a week later they were yelling “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” I’m sure you’ve experienced the highs and lows of people, one minute they’re on your side and the next they quickly change based on who’s around. It has happened to all of us, people change on us. But the one thing we can learn from God is, he loved them anyway. He blessed the people that spoke against him, he even prayed…