• Breaking Barriers

    Set the Thermostat!

    The other day I went to meet someone and I noticed a shift in my demeanor. I was pretty upbeat until I went to meet him and it all shifted. In that shift I began to think about his demeanor; he was totally straightforward, no small talk. As I walked away I began to put it all on him, “what’s his problem”, “why is he so grumpy”, “he could be a little more polite?” He just didn’t seem (to me) to want to engage. But then I had to stop and think, it’s not on him it’s up to me. If you were walking along “feeling good, feeling great,” why…

  • Breaking Barriers

    The Power of One!

    Over the holiday break, I had the pleasure of watching the movie, Best Man Holiday. While the climax of the movie is rather sad, I love this movie. As I was watching it I learned something, the power of one! If you’ve never watched the movie, here’s a quick synopsis. Best Man Holiday is the sequel to the Best Man, which is a movie about a group of college friends. The first movie was centered around a wedding and a big secret that was revealed. In the sequel, they come together for Christmas and their bond is further tightened through circumstances of the different friends. One of the characters in…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Time of Reflection

    Last week was a rather interesting week of reflection for me. I learned some truths about myself, which caused me to recognize that a reset was necessary in order for me to go to the next level in my life; spiritually, mentally, professionally, and physically (still working on that part, pray for me lol). Have you ever come to the realization that more was necessary for you to receive your more? Many times we allow fear or other insecurities to get in the way and sometimes we even give up on certain goals, dreams, or aspirations because of it. As I was pondering last week I came to a few…

  • Breaking Barriers

    The Gift of Love

    Not too long ago I was having a conversation with a coworker and she made the comment what does love have to do with Christmas and my response, EVERYTHING! Christmas is all about love because Jesus was sent here to show his love. The scripture says, for God so LOVED the world he gave his only begotten son. God loves us so much he sent Jesus as a gift to show us the way and to be a sacrifice. God continues to give to us each day with many other gifts as well, peace, joy, family and friends. I was reading a devotion this morning that spoke about appreciating and…