• Breaking Barriers

    The Not So New Normal

    Covid-19 this. Covid-19 that. Now Covid-19 everywhere. We cannot seem to get rid of this disease. It has touched us all in some form or fashion. Something that presumably started in China has now been a part of our lives for close to 6-months. To make matters worse, Covid-19 won’t be going away any time soon. Many of us have become acclimated to many precautions. Most of these precautions are being presented primarily throughgovernment officials. The Center for Disease Control (CDC)continues to promote handwashing, the usage of hand sanitizer, and social distancing. Stores, restaurants, and churches have implemented actions to promote the safety of everyone,including wearing a face mask. Some of…

  • Breaking Barriers

    SURRENDER: My Life is Not My Own

    I’ve been going back and forth about what I should post about next. I started last week thinking, I should post something for my birthday, perhaps I can talk about what I’ve learned in the past year. Or maybe I can share some golden nuggets I’ve gathered through the years. Every time I sat down to think about it, I came up with nothing. Sigh. I’ve been doing #tbt on my social media (shameless plug: follow me if you aren’t already, a link to my social media pages are at the bottom of this page) every week leading up to my birthday and this week I decided to share one…

  • Breaking Barriers


    Last week was an interesting week for me. There was one day in particular when everything went wrong it seemed. I had a conversation with a friend, who was having the same type of day. As she was about to complain about what was going wrong, she stopped and said, no, I will not focus on the negative, I will deal with what is happening, but also find the positive. I decided to take the same stance, and while everything didn’t get better, I recognized that I can’t control everything, but I can control how I deal with it. How do you deal with opposition? Do you focus on the…

  • Beginning Again

    In my newly introduced Podcast name, Tales from Barrier Breakers, I meet with Rev. Cornelius Lloyd discussing Beginning Again. Rev. Lloyd shared his experience of beginning again including scriptures and many golden nuggets. It was a blessing to me to be a part of this recording, but as I listened to the replay, I was blessed even more. It’s okay to start over. Check it out and let me know your thoughts. YouTube – Beginning Again Anchor – Beginning Again