• Breaking Barriers


    The start of a new year brings lots of changes, some people come up with their new year resolutions and create vision boards, while others may write it all down in their journals. Whatever is your way, the start of a new year is a fresh start. It’s a perfect time for you to reinvent yourself. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about changing things up and doing things differently. She used the word “reinvent” and I fell in love. So many times we allow ourselves to get stuck in how things are currently, but the word reinvent reminds me that…

  • Breaking Barriers


    As we quickly approach 2020, I felt the need for me to share something with you that has been on my mind and I know we can’t take it into 2020, negative thoughts. We all have them from time to time, maybe some more than others, but the thoughts come. Negative thoughts come to most people; and you can’t always control them coming, however, you can control them staying. As we go into this new year we have to hit Ctrl+Atl+DEL when those negative thoughts come. We can’t allow them into our mind we must immediately trash them. Of course I had to look up this function to make sure…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Make Room for God’s Plan!

    Currently, I’m going through a transition period and because of that, I’ve been struggling with questions of why, when, and how? At church on Sunday, I was reminded of Mary, the mother of Jesus and her willingness to be a servant of God. Mary was chosen to bring Jesus into the world. She was a virgin engaged to be married to Joseph. She could have been stoned or even loss her soon to be husband, and what would people think of her? But none of that mattered to her, she moved forward and did what was asked of her with a willing spirit. According to scripture her response was, “I…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Still Grateful

    Thanksgiving is not just for one season, but in all seasons. We must give thanksgiving everyday. The week leading up to Thanksgiving I did my own Thanksgiving challenge, each day I shared something I was grateful for. I thought it would be good share on on my blog just in case you missed it online or you’re not into social media (that is a thing you know, lol). Here are my 8 Moments of Thanksgiving. Moment of Thanksgiving 1 – I’m grateful for God. My relationship with God has kept me through all my trials and also helped me to learn more about life in general. I’m grateful for relationship…