• Breaking Barriers


    The start of a new year brings lots of changes, some people come up with their new year resolutions and create vision boards, while others may write it all down in their journals. Whatever is your way, the start of a new year is a fresh start. It’s a perfect time for you to reinvent yourself. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about changing things up and doing things differently. She used the word “reinvent” and I fell in love. So many times we allow ourselves to get stuck in how things are currently, but the word reinvent reminds me that…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Pivot & Learn

    It’s so interesting when I started my blog the idea of breaking barriers came to mind, but the more I live it out the more I come to understand that term so much more. As life occurs, I recognize how often we face obstacles in our lives and the measures we take to get pass them. The word that comes to mind through all of this is pivot. When trials come we often become annoyed, angry, agitated, and frustrated, but it is in those moments we must go back to God and ask the question what do you want me to gain through this experience. The other day as I…

  • Breaking Barriers


    I started my blog about a year ago obeying the call from God to share my story, my story includes my experiences, life lessons, as well as revelations along the way. The purpose of Bridgette Breaking Barriers is to encourage others to break barriers in their own lives, while I am transparent in the uncomfortable moments of my life. The process of starting the blog was a big leap of faith for me, as I’m a very private person, me moving forward is a testament to my evolution as a woman. To think of where I was to where I am now, I’m truly grateful, but I’m even more excited…