• Breaking Barriers

    Quitting is Not an Option!

    They say anything worth having is worth working for, however, when you’re going through it, you’re like, “yeah, yeah, whatever” *insert eye roll* lol. In school, I always had to work hard. For some school came easy, but that wasn’t my story. I had to study more, read and re-read to fully understand and even then sometimes that wasn’t enough. Sometimes, I needed help. This taught me the value of hard work. I’m sure you have come across something that was super hard and difficult to get pass, how did you handle it? In this life, we know that difficult moments will come, you will have to work really hard…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Cheering You On!

    Every now and then we all need some encouragement to help us stay in the game. So consider this your end of the week reminder, you were built for greatness. Don’t let anyone or any situation tell you otherwise. You’ve got this! Whatever your “this” may be, don’t let it defeat you. Stay strong and encouraged, even if you have to encourage your self. This will probably be my shortest blog post to date, but hopefully it will be just as impactful. Here are some reminders for you: You are a conqueror! You are more than enough! You can do ALL things through Christ that gives you strength! With God…