• Breaking Barriers


    Are you ever nervous that your secret will be exposed? We all have secrets, or things that we rather others not to know. If we are honest we have thoughts of insecurities. The enemy gets in our thoughts and has us to question, am I really as strong as people think? Am I really courageous? Can I really have my dreams? We don’t want others to know about our insecure thoughts. While some of those insecure thoughts come, for some they are able to stop those thoughts by speaking the word or saying positive affirmations. For others those thoughts continue. I’ve been there, the thoughts come and keep coming. I…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Trust in You!! 

    Have you heard Anthony Brown & Group Therapy’s new song, Trust in You. I Love this song!!! The lyrics are piercing to the heart, “You did not create me to worry, you did not create me to fear, you created me to worship daily, so I will leave it all right here!” I went out with a friend the other day and as I drove home, I heard this song on the radio, I was wow’d. Beautiful song, wonderful lyrics. Essentially, I began to think, surrender. While out with my friend, we had a conversation about giving it all to God. We often say that we love God and trust…

  • Breaking Barriers

    How much do you trust???

    This morning as I was leaving out I had to put the address for where I was going in my gps. I don’t know about you but whenever I use my gps I like to see where it’s leading me before I start driving. Have you ever been following the gps and felt it could have taken you another way, an easier way? Yep, I’ve been there! Because of my history with the Gps, I prefer to know the route that it will take me prior to starting. So this morning, I put the address in my gps and decide to just follow the directions of my Gps. I made…