• Breaking Barriers

    Still Grateful

    Thanksgiving is not just for one season, but in all seasons. We must give thanksgiving everyday. The week leading up to Thanksgiving I did my own Thanksgiving challenge, each day I shared something I was grateful for. I thought it would be good share on on my blog just in case you missed it online or you’re not into social media (that is a thing you know, lol). Here are my 8 Moments of Thanksgiving. Moment of Thanksgiving 1 – I’m grateful for God. My relationship with God has kept me through all my trials and also helped me to learn more about life in general. I’m grateful for relationship…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Know Your Roots

    This past weekend, I had the pleasure of celebrating the legacy of my grandparents with my cousins. Last week, my grandparents would have been turned 100 years old and in honor of their legacy, we created a documentary spotlighting each of them. It was a wonderful experience; I was able to learn so much about them through the stories of others. Why was that so big for me you ask? Because I never got a chance to meet my grandparents, any of them, not on my mother’s side or my father’s side. All were deceased by the time I was born, so for me all I have are the stories…

  • Breaking Barriers

    “My Family”

    I’m beyond thankful for the family God has blessed me with, I have learned so much from them whether words were spoken or not there have been great lessons learned. I’m sure if you think deep enough, you will come to know some things your family has taught you, whether it’s how to survive, learn to sing, or even what not to do. There’s always a lesson to be learned. My dad is a great story-teller. I love to listen to him tell stories about growing up on the farm, his lessons taught to him by his father, or lessons learned in his adulthood. One of my favorite stories my…