• Breaking Barriers

    Move Forward Freely

    Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I had this vision of someone trying to move forward, they were moving but going no where fast. I realized they were not going anywhere because there was something pulling them from behind. Instantly I thought, what’s holding me back? I’ve recognized at times I can hold on to things, whether it’s a grudge or just someone doing something bad to me, I hold on to it. Recently, I experienced someone lying to me and I’ve had thoughts of confronting the person to let them know that knew that they flat out lied, but then I thought, what good would…

  • Breaking Barriers

    God is Greater!

    Recently, I had the honor to go see the movie, Emanuel. Initially, it seemed like a good idea, but on my way to the theater, I wondered how good the idea was as I wasn’t sure if I was mentally prepared. My friend and I said a quick prayer prior to the movie, as we didn’t want any negative residue from the movie. I did have residue, but it was more positive than negative. The movie brought anger, tears, and confusion, but mostly it reminded me that God is greater. The theme of the story of Emanuel is forgiveness. I was amazed at how the family members of those that…

  • Breaking Barriers

    People are Fickle…Love Them Anyway!

    Have you ever experienced people being for you and then they switch up and are against you? People can be fickle. I often think of Jesus and how one week the people were yelling “Hosanna, Hosanna” and literally a week later they were yelling “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” I’m sure you’ve experienced the highs and lows of people, one minute they’re on your side and the next they quickly change based on who’s around. It has happened to all of us, people change on us. But the one thing we can learn from God is, he loved them anyway. He blessed the people that spoke against him, he even prayed…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Friends, How Many of Us Have Them?

    I truly believe God can use anything or anyone to get a message through to his people, including movies. I recently went to see the movie Girls Trip, beyond being hysterically funny (I mean I laughed my behind off lol), it had good back story. Friends, how many of us have them? After watching the movie, I was refreshed and felt great on the inside. That laugh was everything to me!! It reminded me of great times with great friends, laughing, joking, and just having fun. I could tell stories, but I won't, lol. That movie reminded me of the importance of friends and spending time with them. I remember…