• Breaking Barriers

    “Fear is Your Enemy!”

    Last weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing the movie, Harriett. Great movie, if you have not already seen it, I suggest you go see it. As I was leaving out of the theater, I was in such deep thought. I was greatly compelled to take notes from the movie and apply it to my life. One quote in the movie that stood out the most to me was, “fear is your enemy.” Many times we allow fear to get in the way of our success. We have great ideas, but allow our fear of the unknown to get in the way and we never fulfill those great ideas. Harriett…

  • Breaking Barriers

    It’s Time to Write

    It took me a while to realize the benefits of writing. I wasn’t always a writer, not that i consider myself one now, lol. From time to time I would keep journals, write down my thoughts, but I was never as consistent as I should have been. It was a few years back when I realized how powerful the gift of writing could be, at least for me. Writing was therapeutic! I could write any and all my thoughts with no judgments, no consequences. I could release and get out whatever I needed to get out. Better out than in “they” say, right? Lol. I received some great advice sometime…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Cast Your Cares on Him

    What does it mean to cast your cares on the Lord? I have my moments of struggles with my thoughts, my anxieties, my fears, etc. but how do you deal with these things? According to this scripture, you cast you cares on the Lord, but what does that look like? Anyone that has dealt with anything, knows that it’s easier to say something should be done than to actually “do” it. When there are worries or anxieties that are on your heart, it can be difficult to let them go because you’ve grown to “deal” with it as it is. One thing that I’ve realized is that in life we…

  • Breaking Barriers

    God is Greater!

    Recently, I had the honor to go see the movie, Emanuel. Initially, it seemed like a good idea, but on my way to the theater, I wondered how good the idea was as I wasn’t sure if I was mentally prepared. My friend and I said a quick prayer prior to the movie, as we didn’t want any negative residue from the movie. I did have residue, but it was more positive than negative. The movie brought anger, tears, and confusion, but mostly it reminded me that God is greater. The theme of the story of Emanuel is forgiveness. I was amazed at how the family members of those that…