• Breaking Barriers

    What’s for you is for you!

    It’s amazing how we as people feel we are in control of everything. We say and do things in hopes that we can manipulate situations. Have you ever experienced or witnessed someone lying on you or someone else in hopes it would position them better for a job, a business, a boo, or friend? How is it that we think we have that much control? I was talking to a friend recently and she shared how someone lied on her in hopes for a new position. But why? Why do you believe this is what you should do and why do you think this will not come back to you?…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Moving Forward!

    As I was thinking of what to write for this week, I went back to forgiveness. Sometimes or many times it’s not just about us forgiving other people, but forgiving ourselves. We often struggle with forgiving ourselves from past mistakes or allowing certain situations to occur. I have found myself focusing on past mistakes, wishing I could have done things differently. I often have a pep talk with myself, “Bridgette the milk is spilt, you can only clean it and keep it moving; no sense in crying over the spilt milk.” Are there some things you haven’t let go? The failed business, harsh words spoken, bad career moves, or the…

  • Breaking Barriers

    No More Baggage!!

    It’s hard when something is revealed to you through a situation and you realize you have a problem. In the past month, I realized I have a problem with letting things go. Forgiveness, sigh, hard topic. How are you at forgiving and letting things go? Well for me, I never thought it was an issue until it was an issue. Recently, I realized that I can hold onto things and not let them go and I realized something needed to give. I began reading some devotions on forgiveness which helped in changing my perspective. In order for things to change, you have to do something different. What do you need…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Family is Everything!

    This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending my family reunion. Anyone that knows me knows I love family and friends too, but it’s something about family. It seems each year our reunion gets better and better; this year was no different. We had an amazing time filled with love, laughs, explorations, and great pride of our heritage. One of my cousins was able to trace our family’s lineage further than we have previously known and he reminded us of our great legacy. We also shared stories about the great sacrifices of our forefathers. When I think of what was done for me prior to my existence, I’m forever…