• Breaking Barriers

    You Don’t Rule Me!

    Every now and then we need to be called out on our stuff (bull). This happened to me the other day when my mom called me out on something I had not followed through on. Side bar, if you don’t have people in your life that will call you out when you’re wrong, you don’t have the right people in your life. We all make mistakes, it’s important that the people that love you tell you about those mistakes, so that you don’t continue to make them, this includes parents, friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. As shared in my last post, love rejoices in truth (1 Corinthians 13:6). Okay, so…

  • Breaking Barriers

    He has RISEN!

    There’s something powerful about someone that would give up their life for you. Man, that’s some strong love. Every time I think of what God did for us by sending his son, Jesus to die on the cross for our sins; I’m amazed. He did that just for me…just for you. Jesus has risen! “He is not here; he has risen!” (Luke‬ ‭24:6‬ NIV‬‬). When Jesus rose from the dead he had all power. As a follower of Christ you have access to that power, no longer do you have to be ruled by fear, sin, etc. What do you need to rise above that is still holding you back?…

  • Breaking Barriers

    The Gift

    Anyone that knows me knows that my favorite thing to do is to be with family and friends. I truly believe they are a gift from God. He has indeed given us so many gifts, shelter, food, clothing, a sound mind, family and friends to help us stay on track and inspire us to do more and be more. Never forget the gifts God has provided, including the greatest gift of all His Son, Jesus! On this day, don’t forget the true reason for the season, the gifts are nice, but be sure to honor the greatest gift (Jesus) with a gift! As you come to the King to honor…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Create Your Own Happiness

    What makes you happy? Is it hanging out with friends? Going to the movies? Trying a new restaurant? How do you create your own happiness? One thing that I’ve learned is that no one else can do for you what you can do for yourself. Many times we wait for others to make us happy; we want someone to buy us flowers, plan a romantic dinner, or we want someone to purchase us a gift. If you don’t know how to do things for yourself how is someone else able to come in and make you happy? I’m big on creating the things that you enjoy or want in your…