• Breaking Barriers

    Still Grateful

    Thanksgiving is not just for one season, but in all seasons. We must give thanksgiving everyday. The week leading up to Thanksgiving I did my own Thanksgiving challenge, each day I shared something I was grateful for. I thought it would be good share on on my blog just in case you missed it online or you’re not into social media (that is a thing you know, lol). Here are my 8 Moments of Thanksgiving. Moment of Thanksgiving 1 – I’m grateful for God. My relationship with God has kept me through all my trials and also helped me to learn more about life in general. I’m grateful for relationship…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Friends, How Many of Us Have Them?

    I truly believe God can use anything or anyone to get a message through to his people, including movies. I recently went to see the movie Girls Trip, beyond being hysterically funny (I mean I laughed my behind off lol), it had good back story. Friends, how many of us have them? After watching the movie, I was refreshed and felt great on the inside. That laugh was everything to me!! It reminded me of great times with great friends, laughing, joking, and just having fun. I could tell stories, but I won't, lol. That movie reminded me of the importance of friends and spending time with them. I remember…