• Breaking Barriers

    Pieces of Me

    I was having some quiet time in my room (I chuckle at this because most kids hate being sent to their room, LOL, how ironic). I looked up at pictures I have on the top of my tv stand, pictures of my cousin, who recently got married, a picture of my dad (today makes a year since he left us), a family picture, a picture of my aunt (it’s been a little more than a year since she left us), a Mary Kay prize I received, and a picture of Paris that my friend gave me from her trip. As I looked at each of these items, I thought, these…

  • Breaking Barriers

    20/20 Vision in 2021

    Happy New Year! I hope your year has kept you well. It’s been a few weeks since I last posted, how was your Christmas? New Year? Did you make a vision board or naw? This blog post is the second part of my last blog post about moving forward with the 2020 vision. In that post, I shared the story of the man that was blind from birth and how Jesus healed him (if you missed that post, go back and check it out). As you continue reading the story you find that there were many that didn’t believe in his healing. The Pharisees questioned the blind man and his…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Cast Your Cares on Him

    What does it mean to cast your cares on the Lord? I have my moments of struggles with my thoughts, my anxieties, my fears, etc. but how do you deal with these things? According to this scripture, you cast you cares on the Lord, but what does that look like? Anyone that has dealt with anything, knows that it’s easier to say something should be done than to actually “do” it. When there are worries or anxieties that are on your heart, it can be difficult to let them go because you’ve grown to “deal” with it as it is. One thing that I’ve realized is that in life we…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Rearview Perspective

    All experiences are not the best. Each of us have experienced trials and tribulations of our own in our past. I was reminded the other day as I was driving home in the rain, that trouble won’t last always and once it is in your past, it’s behind you. As I drove home the other night, I looked in the rearview mirror and noticed how dark the sky looked, but on the road ahead the sky was brighter. At that moment, I was reminded that while I may go through trouble, it will not last forever and at some point, I will be able to look behind me and see…