• Breaking Barriers

    People are Fickle…Love Them Anyway!

    Have you ever experienced people being for you and then they switch up and are against you? People can be fickle. I often think of Jesus and how one week the people were yelling “Hosanna, Hosanna” and literally a week later they were yelling “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” I’m sure you’ve experienced the highs and lows of people, one minute they’re on your side and the next they quickly change based on who’s around. It has happened to all of us, people change on us. But the one thing we can learn from God is, he loved them anyway. He blessed the people that spoke against him, he even prayed…

  • Breaking Barriers

    A Father’s Love

    What does it mean to be a father? Dictionary.com defines it as a male parent. I would hope that it is more to it than just that. Everyone has their own interpretation of what a father is, which usually is based on experiences. My experience of a father could be described by the following words, responsible, loving, giving, respectful, respected, diligent, understanding, and humble. I’ve had the pleasure of having a good experience with my father, however, there are so many people in the word that cannot say the same. I am grateful for my experience, but let me not paint the picture of perfection. We all make mistakes, parents…