• Breaking Barriers

    Pause & Enjoy the Moments Along the Journey

    The past month for me has been pretty crazy, loss of loved one, illness, new job, and working hard on other goals. It’s been crazy and at some points a blur. I’m sure you have had moments in your life similar to this when you there are so many things coming your way, good and bad. Well, that’s been my life and yesterday during my devotional time I was reminded to find the small victories along the way. So many times, in our journey of life we move in autopilot and often miss out on the small, good things that happen along the way, like finding a great parking spot,…

  • Breaking Barriers


    Have you ever been tapped out? Like you had nothing else to give? I’m sure we’ve all felt this way at some point in our lives. There have been many times when Wednesday come and I’m suppose to post a blog and I’m like, “I’ve got nothing.” But most times, God brings a thought to my mind, just as he did today. It’s been a rough couple weeks but as God always does, be provided. I’m sure he has done the same for you. While your situation wasn’t content for your blog or grief, it could of been insufficient funds for a bill, feelings of defeat, confusion, indecisiveness as to…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Dream Again

    I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about the impact of Dr. King and what he’s done for us as a country and even the world. His dream for us to be treated equally pushed us all and reminded us that what we do does matter. I began to think to myself, how am I making an impact. While everyone can’t be a Dr. King, Rosa Parks, or Oprah, we can all do something. We have to recognize that while some are made to do grand things, it is the small things we do that matters most. The small eventually add to the big, but…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Still Grateful

    Thanksgiving is not just for one season, but in all seasons. We must give thanksgiving everyday. The week leading up to Thanksgiving I did my own Thanksgiving challenge, each day I shared something I was grateful for. I thought it would be good share on on my blog just in case you missed it online or you’re not into social media (that is a thing you know, lol). Here are my 8 Moments of Thanksgiving. Moment of Thanksgiving 1 – I’m grateful for God. My relationship with God has kept me through all my trials and also helped me to learn more about life in general. I’m grateful for relationship…