• Breaking Barriers

    Move Forward Freely

    Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I had this vision of someone trying to move forward, they were moving but going no where fast. I realized they were not going anywhere because there was something pulling them from behind. Instantly I thought, what’s holding me back? I’ve recognized at times I can hold on to things, whether it’s a grudge or just someone doing something bad to me, I hold on to it. Recently, I experienced someone lying to me and I’ve had thoughts of confronting the person to let them know that knew that they flat out lied, but then I thought, what good would…

  • Breaking Barriers

    We Need Your Gifts!

    This past weekend I attended a women’s conference, during the conference we did a vision board session. As I was working on my vision board I saw a few things that reminded me of my smile. Often, I receive compliments on my smile, “you have a beautiful smile” or “your smile made my day.” With these compliments, I recognize that my smile can be a gift to others, it brings encouragement, happiness, hope, and often brightens people’s day. What’s so funny, yet interesting about my smile is, growing up, I rarely did it. Let me go back, I smiled, but not as much as I do now. My standard face…

  • Breaking Barriers


    As I was commuting to work the other day, I began to think of God’s miracles. Throughout the Bible there are many instances of miracles; men being raised from the dead, blind men seeing, the sick being healed, and so many more. There are many that would say miracles only occurred in the times of the Bible and they no longer exist, but I have experienced otherwise. In the past few months, I have witnessed many miracles: healings from cancer and other sicknesses, going from needing assistance breathing to breathing freely and working through rehabilitation, just to name a few. I know God is still working miracles because I’ve seen…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Life Interupted!​ ​

    We’ve all experienced an interruption in our life at some point in time, for some, it might be an exploited diaper, while for others it could be a last minute meeting at work. Whatever the interruption, we have all have dealt with it in our life.  Well, I had one today, and for me it was big. As you may or may not know, I live in North Carolina, and we got snow early this morning. While the snow is beautiful to look at, there are so many other things that come with it, and for me today, it was a power outage. And today, I had plans; plans of lounging,…