• Breaking Barriers


    I was listening to the radio this morning and during the morning prayer the DJ talked about it being flash back Friday. He shared about his first date with his wife and how grateful he was for her in that moment. He reminded us that sometimes it’s good to look back and see how far we’ve come. His reminder was so profound to me, I decided to write this brief blog to remind you to take a flash back today on this #flashbackfriday and be reminded of how far you’ve come. Through your life God has continued to show himself mighty and strong. And even if you may be going…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Pivot & Learn

    It’s so interesting when I started my blog the idea of breaking barriers came to mind, but the more I live it out the more I come to understand that term so much more. As life occurs, I recognize how often we face obstacles in our lives and the measures we take to get pass them. The word that comes to mind through all of this is pivot. When trials come we often become annoyed, angry, agitated, and frustrated, but it is in those moments we must go back to God and ask the question what do you want me to gain through this experience. The other day as I…

  • Breaking Barriers

    God is Greater!

    Recently, I had the honor to go see the movie, Emanuel. Initially, it seemed like a good idea, but on my way to the theater, I wondered how good the idea was as I wasn’t sure if I was mentally prepared. My friend and I said a quick prayer prior to the movie, as we didn’t want any negative residue from the movie. I did have residue, but it was more positive than negative. The movie brought anger, tears, and confusion, but mostly it reminded me that God is greater. The theme of the story of Emanuel is forgiveness. I was amazed at how the family members of those that…