• Breaking Barriers

    Quitting is Not an Option!

    They say anything worth having is worth working for, however, when you’re going through it, you’re like, “yeah, yeah, whatever” *insert eye roll* lol. In school, I always had to work hard. For some school came easy, but that wasn’t my story. I had to study more, read and re-read to fully understand and even then sometimes that wasn’t enough. Sometimes, I needed help. This taught me the value of hard work. I’m sure you have come across something that was super hard and difficult to get pass, how did you handle it? In this life, we know that difficult moments will come, you will have to work really hard…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Be Bold, Be Brave

    So, today has been an interesting day for me. The resounding theme that kept coming up for me is to keep pushing, keep going. I’m not sure about you, but for me, I often have feelings of defeat and fear. Sometimes they get the best of me, but many times I push myself to do whatever it is to overcome my fears or anxieties. In my mind, there has to be more for me, so I continue to push through. Any who, as I read an email this morning it reminded me to dream big! Then, as I was driving home from work, I heard a song on the radio…