• Breaking Barriers

    Move Forward Freely

    Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I had this vision of someone trying to move forward, they were moving but going no where fast. I realized they were not going anywhere because there was something pulling them from behind. Instantly I thought, what’s holding me back? I’ve recognized at times I can hold on to things, whether it’s a grudge or just someone doing something bad to me, I hold on to it. Recently, I experienced someone lying to me and I’ve had thoughts of confronting the person to let them know that knew that they flat out lied, but then I thought, what good would…

  • Breaking Barriers

    It’s Time to Write

    It took me a while to realize the benefits of writing. I wasn’t always a writer, not that i consider myself one now, lol. From time to time I would keep journals, write down my thoughts, but I was never as consistent as I should have been. It was a few years back when I realized how powerful the gift of writing could be, at least for me. Writing was therapeutic! I could write any and all my thoughts with no judgments, no consequences. I could release and get out whatever I needed to get out. Better out than in “they” say, right? Lol. I received some great advice sometime…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Cast Your Cares on Him

    What does it mean to cast your cares on the Lord? I have my moments of struggles with my thoughts, my anxieties, my fears, etc. but how do you deal with these things? According to this scripture, you cast you cares on the Lord, but what does that look like? Anyone that has dealt with anything, knows that it’s easier to say something should be done than to actually “do” it. When there are worries or anxieties that are on your heart, it can be difficult to let them go because you’ve grown to “deal” with it as it is. One thing that I’ve realized is that in life we…

  • Breaking Barriers


    Yesterday was a good day. I went to see the movie, Breakthrough, great movie I recommend. Then I came home and watched Being Mary Jane, which I enjoyed as well. In watching both the show and movie, there was a point in which the characters of both realized the importance of just letting go of control. In a past blog post, I talked about understanding what God has for you, is for you and not trying to control or manipulate things to benefit yourself. Well, this blog is similar, knowing when to let go and surrender to God can be tough, but necessary. All to often we try to hold…