• Breaking Barriers

    “Fear is Your Enemy!”

    Last weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing the movie, Harriett. Great movie, if you have not already seen it, I suggest you go see it. As I was leaving out of the theater, I was in such deep thought. I was greatly compelled to take notes from the movie and apply it to my life. One quote in the movie that stood out the most to me was, “fear is your enemy.” Many times we allow fear to get in the way of our success. We have great ideas, but allow our fear of the unknown to get in the way and we never fulfill those great ideas. Harriett…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Connection Check

    I was listening to my pastor preach on Sunday and he mentioned how we are to build each other up. In that moment. I began to think of my current circles. I’m truly grateful for my friends and family, they are encouraging and often push me to stretch myself. Later that evening, as I participated in a book club, I thought of connections again. We are currently reading the devotional book, “A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit.” A part of not quitting is having people in your life that are cheering you on and also pushing you to the next level. It doesn’t take an army of people, however, one person…