• Breaking Barriers

    I know What Love Feels Like!

    It’s nothing like taking a stroll down memory lane; for some this brings about good memories, while for others, not so good memories. I had the opportunity to go home this past weekend. I was able to spend time with my family and enjoyed every bit of it. I went to my home church on Sunday, and as I enjoyed the service I looked around and was in awe! I could really feel the love in that room. I began to think of how blessed I am, I know what love feels like. While home, I felt the love of family, friends, and my church family. It was a wonderful…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Family is Everything!

    This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending my family reunion. Anyone that knows me knows I love family and friends too, but it’s something about family. It seems each year our reunion gets better and better; this year was no different. We had an amazing time filled with love, laughs, explorations, and great pride of our heritage. One of my cousins was able to trace our family’s lineage further than we have previously known and he reminded us of our great legacy. We also shared stories about the great sacrifices of our forefathers. When I think of what was done for me prior to my existence, I’m forever…

  • Breaking Barriers

    A Heart of Thanksgiving

    On this day 34 years ago, the Lord saw fit to bless me with life. I’m so grateful for him seeing something in me and wanting to share me and my gifts with the world. On my birthday today, I am truly grateful. I realize the older I get the more I appreciate the simple things in life such as life, food, shelter, family, friends, and genuine nice gestures. I could go on and on but I’ll stop right there. Although things are not always how I would ideally want them to be, I have sooooooooo much to be thankful for. The same is true for you, you have soooooooooo…

  • Breaking Barriers

    We’ve Got to Pray Just to Make it Today

    As I was driving into work the other day, listening to Get up Mornings with Erica. My mind began to drift off and I wasn't paying attention to the radio, but then I heard her scripture for her Ericaism, Mark 11:24. I had been thinking about the things in the news, what occurred this past weekend in Charlottesville, and the state of our country. It's hard to hear about these things and feel like you can't do anything. While I'm sure there are many things that you might think of us doing, teach your children right from wrong, stand up against wrong when you see or hear it, call out…