• Breaking Barriers

    Are You Dreaming?

    How often to you sit back and dream? Dream about what will be? What will come? How you imagine your future life to be? Recently, I’ve been dreaming a lot. I just allow my thoughts to take over and it’s like an adrenaline rush. I get excited and want to make plans. Perhaps, that is the reason for dreaming, to allow your thoughts to take action. What about you? Are you dreaming? As the ideas come, write them down. Then write out your vision, so you can begin to plan your action steps. Dreams are not just for your imagination, I believe it’s a seed being planted for you to…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Are You Ready??

    A few days ago I was thinking of the many things I desire; you know things like the husband (or wife for someone else), the child or children, the business idea, financial increase. I thought to myself are you ready for what you have asked? Interesting enough a day or so later as I was listening to the radio that morning, Erica from Get Up Mornings was talking about life and how often we ask God for the next level, however we don’t pay attention to him to know what he requires of us. She shared an illustration of baseball and how the catcher has to watch the pitcher and…

  • Breaking Barriers

    No More fear

    I’m always thinking of new subjects to discuss in my blogs; about a week ago I said I wanted to do a blog on fear. I have been struggling with fear, being fearful about different things I’m facing in my life, so I decided to write about it in my next blog. This blog, of course, is not just about me encouraging others, but also myself. I have procrastinated with writing this particular blog post at least a couple weeks. Prior to that, I attended a retreat and there I was reminded of the word courageous. I decided this would be the word for the month. You know how you…

  • Breaking Barriers

    We’ve Got to Pray Just to Make it Today

    As I was driving into work the other day, listening to Get up Mornings with Erica. My mind began to drift off and I wasn't paying attention to the radio, but then I heard her scripture for her Ericaism, Mark 11:24. I had been thinking about the things in the news, what occurred this past weekend in Charlottesville, and the state of our country. It's hard to hear about these things and feel like you can't do anything. While I'm sure there are many things that you might think of us doing, teach your children right from wrong, stand up against wrong when you see or hear it, call out…