• Breaking Barriers

    No More Baggage!!

    It’s hard when something is revealed to you through a situation and you realize you have a problem. In the past month, I realized I have a problem with letting things go. Forgiveness, sigh, hard topic. How are you at forgiving and letting things go? Well for me, I never thought it was an issue until it was an issue. Recently, I realized that I can hold onto things and not let them go and I realized something needed to give. I began reading some devotions on forgiveness which helped in changing my perspective. In order for things to change, you have to do something different. What do you need…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Prayer Changes Things!

    I decided some time ago that when I started this blog it would be different. This is indeed not just a blog it’s my way of fulfilling my purpose, it’s about touching people and pushing people to be and do more (including me). In the spirit of doing things different, instead of my normal blog post I choose today to just say a brief prayer for you. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for everything that you continue to do for us and through us. I pray that this blog not just be a release for me, but that it to be a way to touch your people in a way…