• Breaking Barriers

    The Dash

    I attended my first funeral post-Covid (and my dad’s funeral) and I made it through! As I was sitting there listening to the eulogy, I began to think of the dash. You know the dash between the day you were born and the date you will pass away. What are you doing with your dash?  I know we don’t necessarily like to think of our death, but that day is inevitable. When the day comes, what will be said about you? Will people speak of your kind works? How you helped others? Will they say you were intentional about sharing the love of God? Better yet, what will God say,…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Moving Forward with 2020 Vision

    At the beginning of 2020, we heard all about clear vision in 2020. As the year progressed, many including myself were ready to throw the whole year away. And while I still agree 2020 has brought about many challenges, I believe this year was a year of gaining a clearer vision. In the midst of 2020, we learned the things that mattered most, we learned to prioritize. We valued our time with family and friends and found new ways to communicate with one another. We learned just how precious life was and that it was not guaranteed. The same people that started this year’s journey with us are not here…