• Breaking Barriers

    Pivot & Learn

    It’s so interesting when I started my blog the idea of breaking barriers came to mind, but the more I live it out the more I come to understand that term so much more. As life occurs, I recognize how often we face obstacles in our lives and the measures we take to get pass them. The word that comes to mind through all of this is pivot. When trials come we often become annoyed, angry, agitated, and frustrated, but it is in those moments we must go back to God and ask the question what do you want me to gain through this experience. The other day as I…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Still Breaking Barriers

    When I initially started this blog, I wasn’t totally sure what it would come to be. I just knew God had placed this idea in my heart and I needed to move with it. I remember coming up with the name, Breaking Barriers and I went to get the domain and of course it was already taken. So then, I came up with the idea to add my name to the beginning, Bridgette Breaking Barriers. The power I felt every time I said it then and even now continues to resonate. I knew it wasn’t just about me breaking barriers in my life, but it was also about you breaking…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Say Yes!

    I often talk about how much I love my friends. I have some of the best conversations with them and the other day was no different. My friend was sharing about how grateful she was to God for all of His blessings for her and then she posed a question, “I don’t know why He keeps blessing me like He does, but I’m thankful that he does.” My response to her was, “that’s what happens when you say yes.” In that moment two things happened, 1) she realized why the blessings were coming her way and 2) I was convicted because I knew I needed to say yes completely. Are…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Become a Child Again!

    Remember when you were a child and you were fearless. You would do any and everything and you believed you could be anything, no practical thoughts, you could do anything. What happened to him/her? I often ask myself this question. Children are so open. They don’t question why something can’t be done, they just believe it came be done. I love being around children for this reason; they are free. We could learn so much from them. Instead of questioning why you can’t do something, change up how you think. You can! I often have to remind myself, I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength. What…