• Breaking Barriers

    Be Bold, Be Brave

    So, today has been an interesting day for me. The resounding theme that kept coming up for me is to keep pushing, keep going. I’m not sure about you, but for me, I often have feelings of defeat and fear. Sometimes they get the best of me, but many times I push myself to do whatever it is to overcome my fears or anxieties. In my mind, there has to be more for me, so I continue to push through. Any who, as I read an email this morning it reminded me to dream big! Then, as I was driving home from work, I heard a song on the radio…

  • Breaking Barriers

    What if….

    It is often the death of loved ones and friends that brings us to times of reflection. While celebrating the life of a childhood friend, which her departure was too soon, I thought to myself, what if. My childhood friend had battled and survived cervical cancer. She was passionate about educating others of this disease and ensuring everyone knew of how it can be prevented. What if she that never happened, what if she didn’t walk in her purpose to educate others. There perhaps may be some people that would not have been impacted by her smile, by her gift, or by her positive attitude. We are all here for…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Chapter 35 Reset!

    I’m a big birthday person, I’m usually excited about my birthday coming, whether I have plans or not, I get excited about my special day. For the past few months, I had been struggling with my Birthday approaching, not because of my age, which by the way I still can’t believe I’m this old, lol, but I was feeling a way about where I was in life. You know as many of us did while we were younger, we planned out what our lives would be, whether you desired to have your 2.5 children with a picket fence living the great American dream or perhaps traveling the world, we all…

  • Breaking Barriers

    It’s Time to Write

    It took me a while to realize the benefits of writing. I wasn’t always a writer, not that i consider myself one now, lol. From time to time I would keep journals, write down my thoughts, but I was never as consistent as I should have been. It was a few years back when I realized how powerful the gift of writing could be, at least for me. Writing was therapeutic! I could write any and all my thoughts with no judgments, no consequences. I could release and get out whatever I needed to get out. Better out than in “they” say, right? Lol. I received some great advice sometime…