• Breaking Barriers


    Growing is an interesting thing. For a plant, fruit, or vegetable, a seed is planted and with the right amount of sunlight, water, and time there is a finished product to be enjoyed. The process of growth seems so simple as it relates to a plant, fruit, or vegetable but when it comes to our own growth, it doesn’t seem as simple. However, the same is true for us, we just require different ingredients for our growth. Along with sunlight and water, we also need people and experiences to shape our growth. Our interactions with people require us to grow; whether they are sharing constructive or negative feedback. No matter…

  • Breaking Barriers

    People are Fickle…Love Them Anyway!

    Have you ever experienced people being for you and then they switch up and are against you? People can be fickle. I often think of Jesus and how one week the people were yelling “Hosanna, Hosanna” and literally a week later they were yelling “Crucify Him, Crucify Him.” I’m sure you’ve experienced the highs and lows of people, one minute they’re on your side and the next they quickly change based on who’s around. It has happened to all of us, people change on us. But the one thing we can learn from God is, he loved them anyway. He blessed the people that spoke against him, he even prayed…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Letting go of Ego & Pride

    I want to take the time to introduce you to two of my friends, Ego & Pride. Ego and I have been friends for some time now, initially, she was there to help me understand my self-esteem and self-importance. But every now and then she just goes too far and has me to believe that because of who I am I should expect certain things. And then there’s my friend, Pride, she’s like my ride or die friend, she actually can be a bit irrational. Our friendship started in order to help me understand my value, but as I said, sometimes, she can be irrational and go too far. Peer…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Elevation Requires Removal

    As we continue to live and grow to be a better individual, there are many things that we will learn along the way. One thing I realized recently, or perhaps was reminded of was the responsibilities of more. As we grow and elevate to new roles, responsibilities, and purpose, there are things we have to sacrifice. When we were kids there were things we could do and it was acceptable; as a baby you could whine and cry when we were hungry, however, doing those same things as adults is just not acceptable. As we grow, we come to understand more. More requires us to let go of the things…