• Breaking Barriers

    Connection Check

    I was listening to my pastor preach on Sunday and he mentioned how we are to build each other up. In that moment. I began to think of my current circles. I’m truly grateful for my friends and family, they are encouraging and often push me to stretch myself. Later that evening, as I participated in a book club, I thought of connections again. We are currently reading the devotional book, “A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit.” A part of not quitting is having people in your life that are cheering you on and also pushing you to the next level. It doesn’t take an army of people, however, one person…

  • Breaking Barriers

    We Need Your Gifts!

    This past weekend I attended a women’s conference, during the conference we did a vision board session. As I was working on my vision board I saw a few things that reminded me of my smile. Often, I receive compliments on my smile, “you have a beautiful smile” or “your smile made my day.” With these compliments, I recognize that my smile can be a gift to others, it brings encouragement, happiness, hope, and often brightens people’s day. What’s so funny, yet interesting about my smile is, growing up, I rarely did it. Let me go back, I smiled, but not as much as I do now. My standard face…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Create Your Own Happiness

    What makes you happy? Is it hanging out with friends? Going to the movies? Trying a new restaurant? How do you create your own happiness? One thing that I’ve learned is that no one else can do for you what you can do for yourself. Many times we wait for others to make us happy; we want someone to buy us flowers, plan a romantic dinner, or we want someone to purchase us a gift. If you don’t know how to do things for yourself how is someone else able to come in and make you happy? I’m big on creating the things that you enjoy or want in your…