• Breaking Barriers


    Nowadays we have passwords and codes for everything. We have a passcode for our phone, passwords to get in our computers, passwords for our Netflix account :); everything has a password. The other day I used my mom’s password to get into her account and I instantly thought of the word, access. Our passwords, passcodes, etc give us access to our devices and accounts. Because I had the correct password for my mom’s account I was granted access. As Christians, we often forget about the access we have. Through the word of God we have access to His wisdom and because of this access we are able to overcome obstacles,…

  • Breaking Barriers

    How Much Do You Trust Him?

    With the threat of Irma brewing in the Atlantic at its alarming force and not really knowing where it could go, I’m sure everyone is wondering what next. Life can be such a world wind at times, it starts out calm and then it seems to spiral out of control fast. You go from living your best life to learning about a layoff, infertility issues, family sickness, or divorce. Life hits hard and you don’t know what to do, you question, sometimes begin to worry, and then begin to pray. There then becomes a point in time when you have to ask yourself, how much do you truly trust God?…

  • Breaking Barriers


    Are you ever nervous that your secret will be exposed? We all have secrets, or things that we rather others not to know. If we are honest we have thoughts of insecurities. The enemy gets in our thoughts and has us to question, am I really as strong as people think? Am I really courageous? Can I really have my dreams? We don’t want others to know about our insecure thoughts. While some of those insecure thoughts come, for some they are able to stop those thoughts by speaking the word or saying positive affirmations. For others those thoughts continue. I’ve been there, the thoughts come and keep coming. I…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Trust in You!! 

    Have you heard Anthony Brown & Group Therapy’s new song, Trust in You. I Love this song!!! The lyrics are piercing to the heart, “You did not create me to worry, you did not create me to fear, you created me to worship daily, so I will leave it all right here!” I went out with a friend the other day and as I drove home, I heard this song on the radio, I was wow’d. Beautiful song, wonderful lyrics. Essentially, I began to think, surrender. While out with my friend, we had a conversation about giving it all to God. We often say that we love God and trust…