• Breaking Barriers

    It’s Time to GO!

    Since the inception of Bridgette Breaking Barriers, I had the desire to expand it beyond just a blog. T-shirts have always been something I wanted to add, I mean who doesn’t love a good inspirational shirt? I love them so I figured I’d incorporate what I love with the needs of people. We all know, words have power and I believe that inspirational shirts are a constant reminder of how powerful words can be. It’s not just for you but for others as well. It can spark conversation. You never know how God will use you. “Hey girl, what does your shirt mean?” And boom, you have a whole conversation…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Be Open!

    The word “open” keeps coming up for me. I believe in this season God wants me to be open. I’m not sure if I’ve talked about this or not, but I’m in a book club. We have been studying the book, “When Women Pray” by TD Jakes. Powerful book by the way, I definitely recommend you reading it. This past weekend we discussed the Samaritan Woman or as some would call her, the woman at the well. If you’re not familiar with the story, check it out in John 4:4-42. One thing has stayed on my mind this week about this chapter is the fact that the book is about…

  • Breaking Barriers

    20/20 Vision in 2021

    Happy New Year! I hope your year has kept you well. It’s been a few weeks since I last posted, how was your Christmas? New Year? Did you make a vision board or naw? This blog post is the second part of my last blog post about moving forward with the 2020 vision. In that post, I shared the story of the man that was blind from birth and how Jesus healed him (if you missed that post, go back and check it out). As you continue reading the story you find that there were many that didn’t believe in his healing. The Pharisees questioned the blind man and his…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Beauty in the Pivot

    This morning I got up and I went back and forth on whether I should go for a bike ride. I hadn’t ridden my bike all week. I truly didn’t feel like going, but something told me to push anyway. My initial thought was it was too late in the day and it would therefore be too hot to go (yes, it’s in the 80s here, sigh), since I didn’t get up early and go, but I went anyway. Well of course when I went outside and the sun was beaming on me, I said to myself, “was this a good idea?” Lol. Needless to say I went on riding…