• Breaking Barriers


    Yesterday was a good day. I went to see the movie, Breakthrough, great movie I recommend. Then I came home and watched Being Mary Jane, which I enjoyed as well. In watching both the show and movie, there was a point in which the characters of both realized the importance of just letting go of control. In a past blog post, I talked about understanding what God has for you, is for you and not trying to control or manipulate things to benefit yourself. Well, this blog is similar, knowing when to let go and surrender to God can be tough, but necessary. All to often we try to hold…

  • Breaking Barriers

    It’s Working For My Good!

    When I was growing up I’ve always had a sense of what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a nurse since the fourth grade. I had my life planned out; after graduating from high school, I would go off to college to receive my degree in nursing, then move to Charlotte and work at one of the hospitals. I would be married by 24, first child by 26, and second (last child, smile) by 28. My husband and I would travel and see the world. I would eventually own my own business, and just live the “good life”, whatever that is, lol. It was my…