• Breaking Barriers

    No More Baggage!!

    It’s hard when something is revealed to you through a situation and you realize you have a problem. In the past month, I realized I have a problem with letting things go. Forgiveness, sigh, hard topic. How are you at forgiving and letting things go? Well for me, I never thought it was an issue until it was an issue. Recently, I realized that I can hold onto things and not let them go and I realized something needed to give. I began reading some devotions on forgiveness which helped in changing my perspective. In order for things to change, you have to do something different. What do you need…

  • Breaking Barriers

    At The Feet of Wisdom

    A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of celebrating my birthday with a wonderful group of ladies. I was able to sit in their presence and soak up all the wisdom they had to share. Sometimes I think we don’t value the importance and benefits of gaining wisdom from others, those that are older and wiser and those have been where you are currently. When was the last time you sat at the feet of wisdom? I had a conversation with my cousin the other day about being open to receive and learn from others. She reminded me of how much we can learn from others just by…