Breaking Barriers

Thanksgiving Even in the Simple Things

The other day I was at a meeting, we were sharing what we were thankful for and one lady said, “I’m thankful for the life and the ability to use the restroom on my own.” I wasn’t expecting that response, but it made me think. So often we focus on the things we do not have or cannot do but what if we couldn’t do the things that we can do. Something as simple as using the restroom can be taken for granted, but there are many that cannot do it for themselves. So on this day of thanksgiving let us not forget the simple things such as using the restroom, walking, indoor plumbing, heat, food, shelter, and the list goes on and on. There are so many that wish the could do or have the same.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am truly grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, I pray it blesses you! Be blessed!