Breaking Barriers

The Power of Your Story!

Last night I had the pleasure of attending an On the Come Up author’s event. It was a great experience; I’m thankful I was able to attend! At the event, I was able to learn from a panel of authors about their book writing process, inspiration, and favorite books to read. In addition to that information, it was great to just connect with positive females. In addition to the panel of authors, there were vendors, spoken word, and a drummer. The creativity that was in the room was awesome. As I think about the event and what I took away, I remembered the power of a story and the importance of it being shared. Everyone has a story and the beauty in each of our stories is that others can gain and learn from your story. We all have our own paths and journeys, not all are great, not all are too bad, but nevertheless, there is something we can all learn from it. It is important for us to share our stories with one another in an effort to help others to avoid possible mistakes, provide an outlet, and grow. Have you shared your story lately? I am reminded of the scripture, “they triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death (Revelations 12:11).” There is power in sharing your story, which is a part of your testimony.

I was also reminded of the power of journaling. Journaling is therapeutic, but it also helps you to track your growth. I look back at journal entries from months ago and I see examples of how I overcame situations. Are you journaling? If not, when will you start? Thank me later :).