Breaking Barriers

The Truth Will Set You Free

As I was riding in the car the other day, I began to think about a conversation I had with some friends, when I jokingly said: “the truth will set you free.” In this day in age, people are always saying how you have to “keep it real” or “keepin it 100”. Sometimes there is a level of truth that we don’t necessarily want to accept. Many times its truth within ourselves; things you may be struggling with, things you should be over by now, or maybe fear has crept in and you just don’t want to face it. My blog came to mind; I started my blog as a way to encourage others to break barriers in their life and overcome obstacles so that you are able to live the best life the best way you know how.

Along the journey of life, there will always be struggles and hurdles. You may not always make it over those hurdles, but the key is for you to keep going and not to just stop. You have to get up, dust yourself off, try again, and most importantly keep going. I thought of the things within myself, the insecurities and fears that are still there. Many times I am reminded of my issues; thoughts come to mind such as, “you really aren’t breaking barriers because those issues still exist” or “you haven’t changed”. I’m sure the same is true for you, there are things you are still struggling with and trying to overcome. Shortly after the thought came, a reminder came, the truth will set you free. Sometimes as Christians, we want to cover things up and make it seem as though everything is great and wonderful, but how will you be set free if you are not truthful about the things going on in your life. I have decided that on this day and all the days to come, I will be truthful about my struggles. Now I’m not saying that you have to go tell the world, but you need to be realistic with yourself. You must admit it, then take it to God. Only God can help you in overcoming your struggles; he is your only way to true deliverance. You can’t do it on your own! #truthinstruggle #overcomer #breakingthecycle #thetruthwillsetyoufree