Breaking Barriers

Trust in You!! 

Have you heard Anthony Brown & Group Therapy’s new song, Trust in You. I Love this song!!! The lyrics are piercing to the heart, “You did not create me to worry, you did not create me to fear, you created me to worship daily, so I will leave it all right here!” I went out with a friend the other day and as I drove home, I heard this song on the radio, I was wow’d. Beautiful song, wonderful lyrics. Essentially, I began to think, surrender. While out with my friend, we had a conversation about giving it all to God. We often say that we love God and trust him, but how much do we trust him? Do you really trust him with everything? Not just the cute stuff, but the real deep stuff, like the ability to have children when the doctor says you can’t, or having your bills paid when your account is already in the negative, or believing God to bless you with a husband and you’re single with no prospects. It is in those moments that you learn to truly trust God. When you feel that your back is against the wall and there is nothing else that you can do, so you have to fully let go and trust him. It is in these moments that your faith is increased and you learn more about God and his peace. That peace that they speak of that surpasses all understanding. Continue to trust God even when it doesn’t seem logical or make sense, his track record is pretty good :).